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30/07/2024   POSTED BY

5 Creative University Bedroom Ideas

Wow. You’re finally at University (freedom/whoop)! Now you can make your own rules: you’re in charge of your own schedule and you’re about to make some lifelong friends (and learn some new stuff too)!

There’s just one problem.

Your new hangover pad (sorry for the stereotype) just doesn’t feel like home. There’s a bit of a stench left by the last owner, the curtains look like they’ve travelled in a time machine from 1985 and there are more than a few worryingly mysterious dents in the walls. Do not fear. Instead, sit back, relax and read our top 5 University bedroom ideas to make your new pad feel more like home.

1. University bedroom ideas so you won't have to miss mum and dad's sofa!

red brick wall mural in student's pad

Shop - Brick Wall mural

Have you had the sofa/settee, dinner/tea or bread bun/bap dialect debate yet? Well, no matter what part of the world you are from - it’s almost guaranteed that your parent’s house had a squishy, cushion filled sofa to watch TV on. Sadly, your college dorm has only one office chair built solely for the purpose of hurting your neck whilst you study.

Whilst you’re away from your natural environment, little things like being able to wind down in comfort are equally as important to your success at Uni: happiness will help you study better.

One of our top dorm room bedroom ideas is to double up your bed as a sofa (settee) and head down to your local store to bag yourself plenty of cheap cushions and a fur throw to put on your bed.

2. Uni room hacks to bring some nature into your room!

dorm room full of plants

The presence of a Starbucks on every other street really does make the college experience feel exciting. But for those of us that aren’t used to the city life, we might need a few countryside touches to remind us of home.

One Uni room hack is to think about colour. Believe it or not, every single colour that we see has an effect on our mood. This means that the colours we choose to have in our homes are an important decision. If you’re a tad homesick, staring at four lumpy, not-quite-white walls is just no good. So if you’re craving nature, choose the colour green which symbolises balance and growth.

green birch forest wallpaper in trendy students desk area

Shop - Birch Forest Sunlight mural

These University bedroom ideas will help to add more nature into your dorm: embellish the room with green ornaments, furnishings, desk accessories and fresh, leafy plants. All will ensure you wake up with a touch of the countryside every morning! You could even buy a nature scene wallpaper mural to really bring the outdoors in!

3. Storage is king when it comes to University bedroom ideas!

storage boxes under bed

It’s such a first-world problem - you have too many things and nowhere to put them. There are only so many times you can put up with tripping over your once-used running shoes.

Hook-over-the-door storage tidies are your new best friend. Purchase one for your University bedroom door and one for your bathroom door (if you’re lucky enough to have an ensuite to yourself). This will give you some additional handy space to store your possessions (and to save your sanity). Or why not try and get yourself a raised bed or bunk bed where you can store your desk and possessions underneath?

Having more storage space will also encourage you to keep your desk tidy because, after fresher’s week, there’s going to be plenty of work to do!

4. Colourful Uni halls décor to avoid boring, white walls!

gold pink and blue marble wallpaper in students office area

Shop -  Purple and Blue Watercolour mural

Your parent’s place might not be perfect, but you loved the shaggy rug, the pot ornaments and even their patterned wallpaper. To jazz up your boring Uni hall décor, choose large posters, wall stickers or a fabulous wall mural!

The beauty of a self-adhesive peel and stick mural is that they completely transform a room and make any space appear much larger! Gorgeous wall murals are easy to apply and won’t ruin the wall when you remove them (forget about losing your deposit)!

Beautiful wallpaper murals also come in a variety of designs to suit every student’s style: choose from football stadiums, rock bands, delicate florals and artistic abstracts. There’s a huge mix of amazing on-trend wallpapers for every student. Unfortunately, a mural can’t fix that Pot Noodle stain on the carpet though…

5. Uni room essentials to help you sleep in your new abode...zzzzz.

woman sleeping

There are many reasons why students struggle to get a good night's sleep in their halls of residence. Noise, late nights or just being somewhere unfamiliar can interrupt our sleeping patterns. Something as simple as taking the time out to ensure that we are relaxed before we go to bed can be the key when attempting to get in some zzzs.

Before bed, take a relaxing shower or bath (if you’re lucky), get cosy in your jim-jams and warm up a mug of hot chocolate. Since the rules of your halls probably don’t allow for candles, why not try washing your bed sheets regularly with rosewater, lavender or jasmine linen scent? You could even add some fairy lights or a Himalayan salt lamp to give your room a calm, relaxed vibe. So remember, the Uni room essentials for a good night's sleep are cosy pyjamas, fresh-scented duvet covers, calming fairy lights or a lamp and, most importantly, some good-quality hot choc!

Found a University bedroom necessity that you just can’t wait to share? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

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